London, Jack

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Call of the wild

The dog hero, Buck, is stolen from his home and pressed into service as a sledge dog in the Klondike.
Cover image of Call of the wild

The call of the wild

An adaptation of the classic story of Buck, a half-St. Bernard/half-Scotch shepherd, that is abducted and taken to the Klondike where it reverts to the wild and becomes a leader of a pack of wolves.
Cover image of The call of the wild

Tales of adventure

Presented here for the first time in one volume is a representative selection from all phases of Jack Londons varied literary career.

White Fang

Follows the adventures of a dog who is part wolf as he eventually makes his peace with man in the wilderness of northern Canada.

The call of the wild

Presents Jack London's classic in which a dog in the Klondike reverts to wilderness life and becomes the leader of a pack of wolves.

Call of the wild

Adventure story of a sled dog in the Yukon during the days of the Gold Rush.

White Fang

White Fang

The call of the wild

Relates the adventures of an unusual dog, part St. Bernard, part Scotch shepherd, who is forcibly taken to the Klondike goldfields where he eventually becomes the leader of a wolf pack.


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