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When I was little

a four-year-old's memoir of her youth
A four-year-old describes how she has changed since she was a baby.

Molly's rosebush

When the new baby they've been expecting isn't strong enough to be born, Molly and her family find different ways to express their feelings and comfort each other.

Our teacher's having a baby

As the months pass during first-grade teacher Mrs. Neal's pregnancy, her class gets involved writing letters to the baby, thinking up possible names for it, and designing a baby room on the bulletin board.

Arthur's baby

Arthur isn't sure he is happy about the new baby in the family, but when his sister asks for his help in handling the baby, Arthur feels much better.

Oh, baby!

Katie, an ordinary third-grader who accidentally wished on a shooting star to be anyone but herself, turns into her best friend Suzanne's baby sister, but the real trouble starts when she speaks, causing everyone to think the baby is a genius.

More perfect than the moon

Eight-year-old Cassie Witting is upset when she finds out that her mother, Sarah, is expecting a baby, but writing in the journal that belonged to her brother Caleb helps her sort out her feelings and understand that Sarah will always love her.

That new animal

The lives of two dogs change after a new animal, a baby, comes to their house.

Carl goes shopping

While his mistress shops, Carl, a large dog, and the baby in his care explore the department store quite thoroughly and have a wonderful time.

Iris and Walter and Baby Rose

Iris has a bit of trouble adjusting when her new sister Rose turns out to be a very, very fussy baby.

The cat who got carried away

It is an exciting couple of days for the Gaskitt family and their community--with missing pets, an unusual substitute teacher, and a special addition to their household.


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