
Topical Term

Mission in today's world

In Part One, he explores mission as dialogue with the religions and spiritualities that give meaning and value to other people. He also insists on the need for serious dialogue with the value systems of the modern Western world. Part Two explores mission as 'evangelization,' challenging missionaries to look at the core of the Good News. Dorr then examines other aspects of what mission can be - inculturation, struggles for liberation of the oppressed, reconciliation, option for the poor, and sharing in the creative powers of the Spirit. Part Three, 'Mission to the Nations,' emphasizes the need to re-vision the whole purpose of mission to include the new "frontier situations" of our time. In Part Four, 'Foreign Missionaries,' Dorr turns to the differences between missionary work and development and the question of when the foreign missionary should move on. Finally, when missionaries return home, how can they use their missionary attitudes, spirituality, and strategies to serve their home churches?.

The California missions

Describes the history of the Spanish missions in California and their effect on the life of the Indians there.

Mission trip impossible

Explore possible misconceptions about local mission trips in jungles with no plumbing and eat at pot lucks where you are the main dish.

If we survive

When revolutionaries seize control of a country in Central America where sixteen-year-old Will is serving at a mission, he and the other volunteers find themselves in a desperate race to escape the violence and return home.

Mother Teresa

Discusses the contributions of the Albanian nun who travelled to the slums of Calcutta to ease human suffering and continues to travel around the world caring for those in need.

A personal tour of la Purisima

Presents a tour of this Spanish-built mission in California from the point of view of a priest, two Chumash Indian residents, and two military officers.

China journal 1889-1900

an American missionary family during the Boxer Rebellion : with the letters and diaries of Eva Jane Price and her family

Song of the swallows

The old bell-ringer at the Mission of San Juan Capistrano tells Juan about Father Serra, the founder of the first missions in California, and about swallows that come to Capistrano every St. Joseph's Day.

Mission San Juan Capistrano

Discusses the Mission San Juan Capistrano from its founding in 1776 to the present day, including the reasons for Spanish colonization in California and the effects of colonization on the Acagchemem, or Juane?o, Indians.


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