Soon after moving to Noble's Green, Pennsylvania, twelve-year-old Daniel learns that his new friends have super powers that they will lose when they turn thirteen, unless he can use his brain power to protect them.
In 1922, thirteen-year-old Woodrow Harper and his recently-widowed mother move to his father's childhood home in Lawton, Oklahoma, where he is torn between the "right people" of the Ku Klux Klan and those who encourage him to follow the path of his "nigra-loving" father.
Twelve-year-old Chinese American girl Paris Pan, who wants to fit in with the seemingly friendly girls at her new school, takes a dare to spend the night in a scary woods that is reputedly haunted by the ghost of a girl who died there years earlier.
Lonely after a midsummer move to a new town, sixteen-year-old high-school quarterback Marcus Jordan becomes friends with a retired professional linebacker who is great at training him, but whose childish behavior keeps Marcus in hot water.
After Annabelle's mother starts dating a new boyfriend, she faces life in a new town with a new school, and a new puppy, and while training the dog Annabelle decides to experiment with some of her training techniques to deal with the unruly middle school boys in her class.
As fifteen-year-old Pemba adjusts to leaving her Brooklyn, New York, home for small-town Connecticut, a history researcher helps her understand the paranormal experiences drawing her into the life of a girl who was once a slave in her house.
A love-struck mermaid named Aquamarine supplies adventure and insights to two twelve-year-old girls, life-long friends who are spending their last summer together before one of them moves away.
Twelve-year-old best friends Elizabeth and Tara-Starr continue their friendship through letter-writing after Tara-Starr's family moves to another state.
Twelve-year-old Grady and his mother relocate yet again, this time finding work taking care of an elderly man, who teaches Grady about cars, birds, and what it means to have a home.
Moving from Iowa to a lighthouse cottage in Maine, ten-year-old Jack struggles to live up to his father's high standards and encounters a young ghost who presents Jack with a 150-year-old unsolved sea mystery.