authors, french

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authors, french

Wind, sand, and stars

The author recounts his experiences as a mail pilot in the late 20s and early 30s in South America and Africa.

The young romantics

Victor Hugo, Sainte-Beuve, Vigny, Dumas, Musset, and George Sand and their friendships, feuds, and loves in the French romantic revolution

The night trilogy

Night : Dawn : Day
Presents Holocaust survivor Elie Weisel's account of his experiences as a young boy with his father in the Auschwitz concentration camp, and features two novels, including "Dawn" in which a young man, living in Palestine after World War II as a member of a Jewish underground movement, has misgivings when ordered to execute a British hostage, and "Day," in which a successful journalist and Holocaust survivor, involved in an automobile accident, questions the meaning and worth of living.

Elie Wiesel

spokesman for remembrance
Presents volume four in an eight-volume series on Holocaust Biographies and examines the role that Elie Wiesel, Auschwitz survivor, played and provides information on his youth in Romania, anti-Semitism, his survival from the concentration camps, and his work after the war as an educator and speaker on behalf of human rights around the world.

Elie Wiesel

bearing witness
Tells the life story of the Holocaust survivor who went on to become a writer and humanitarian and won the Nobel Peace Prize.


Presents Jean-Paul Sartre's existentialist novel, first published in 1938, in which Antoine Roquentin, a French writer, chronicles his reactions to the world and people around him, which combine to give him an overpowering feeling of nausea.

The last great Frenchman

a life of General de Gaulle
Biography of General Charles de Gaulle, who founded the Free French in 1941, demanded recognition of France by the world powers during World War II, and served as the country's president from 1944-1946 and again from 1958-1968.

Julio Verne

una versi?n
Presents a comprehensive biography of nineteenth-century French science-fiction author, Jules Verne, that chronicles childhood and major accomplishments, and his influence on history and the literary world.


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