
Topical Term

The Giant who had no heart

The youngest son of a king goes in search of his missing six brothers who, together with their brides, have been turned to stone by a giant who has no heart.

The three goats

Simple retelling of the traditional tale about three billy goats who trick a troll that lives under the bridge. Includes related activities.

To the South Pole

A history of Roald Amundsen's successful 1911 trip to the South Pole, detailing the challenges encountered, the individuals involved, the discoveries made, and how the expedition left its mark upon the world.

Edvard Munch

Examines the life and times of the Norwegian artist Edvard Munch, and describes his work, fueled by tragedies which occurred early in the painter's life, became a founder of the expressionism movement.

East of the sun, west of the moon

A girl travels with a polar bear and learns of his secret sadness as they journey to the homes of the four Winds and to the castle East of the sun, West of the moon.

The three billy goats Gruff

a folk tale classic
An adaptation of the tale in which three clever billy goats outwit a big ugly troll that lives under the bridge they must cross on their way up the mountain.

Kon-Tiki man

an illustrated biography of Thor Heyerdahl
Comprehensive, illustrated biography of explorer Thor Heyerdahl.

Three billy goats gruff

Three clever billy goats outwit a big, ugly troll that lives under the bridge they must cross on their way up the mountain.

Favorite fairy tales told in Norway

Collection of seven fairy tales incorporating the people, places, and lore of Norway.

Snow treasure

In 1940, when the Nazi invasion of Norway reaches their village in the far north, twelve-year-old Peter and his friends use their sleds to transport nine million dollars worth of gold bullion past the German soldiers to the secret harbor where Peter's uncle keeps his ship ready to take the gold for safekeeping in the United States.


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