
Topical Term

The race of the Birkebeiners

Tells the legend of how a group of warriors called the Birkebeiners rescued the infant Prince Hakonby skiing across the rugged mountains in blizzard conditions to save him from his enemies, the Baglers.
Cover image of The race of the Birkebeiners

The three cabritos

Retells, with a southwestern United States setting, the traditional tale about three billy goat brothers who trick a beast that lives under the bridge.
Cover image of The three cabritos

East of the sun and west of the moon

A girl travels east of the sun and west of the moon to free her beloved prince from a magic spell.
Cover image of East of the sun and west of the moon

The three goats

The story of the Billy Goats Gruff told very simply with few words and many pictures for the young reader.

Locked in ice

Nansen's daring quest for the North Pole
A biography of Fridtjof Nansen, who famously explored the Arctic in the late 1800s.
Cover image of Locked in ice


With help from his recently-deceased grandfather, new friends and their superhero alter egos, and some paint, Rusty stops the bullies who have been terrorizing their small town.
Cover image of Brown

Edvard Munch

Presents a portrait of the man and the artist. Includes 164 photographic reproductions of the artists work.
Cover image of Edvard Munch

The three billy goats gruff

Retells the classic fairy tale in which three clever billy goats outwit a big ugly troll that lives under the bridge they must cross on their way up a mountain.
Cover image of The three billy goats gruff

Master Maid

a tale of Norway
A stubborn young prince goes to work for an evil troll where he falls in love with a captive maiden.
Cover image of Master Maid

The three billy goats Gruff

Three clever billy goats outwit a big, ugly troll that lives under the bridge they must cross on their way up the mountain.
Cover image of The three billy goats Gruff


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