hazardous wastes

Topical Term
hazardous wastes

Toxic waste sites

an encyclopedia of endangered America
A directory of over 1,300 hazardous waste sites in the United States briefly describing each site's location, history, the type of contamination, the number of people affected, the clean-up work, the responsible parties, the legal actions, and resources for more information.

Shadows in the water

The two sets of Starbuck twins use their telepathic powers and the aid of some endangered dolphins to help their father catch a gang dumping toxic waste in the Florida Keys.

Waste management crisis

Learn about the causes and effects of wasting our resources, from diminishing fuel reserves to saving energy, and how we can recycle to help our planet.


A nationwide investigation into what is being done to safeguard and isolate permanently from the environment spent nuclear fuels and contaminated materials that will be lethally radioactive for as long as 240,000 years.

Global garbage

exporting trash and toxic waste
Examines the increasing problems of toxic waste disposal, including such areas as dumping in poor nations, military dumping, and waste disposal in space.

Hazardous waste sites

Discusses the dangers of hazardous waste sites, who is responsible for the problem, who is responsible for cleanup, various legal decisions, and the effects of the federal Superfund.

Toxic threat

how hazardous substances poison our lives
Describes hazardous substances in our environment, how they get there, and the problems they cause.

Garbage and waste

Examines controversy surrounding the issues of toxic waste, garbage, and recycling efforts, using primary sources taken from a wide range of categories including periodicals, newspapers, books, government documents, and other publications.


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