
Topical Term

Into the Sublime

Four girls from a defunct thrill-seeking group descend into a dangerous underground cave system in search of a subterranean lake that local legends claim has the power to change things for those who can confront their deepest fears.


When Sophie, a princess with lips the color of ripe cherries, skin as soft as new-fallen snow, and hair as dark as midnight, rode out into the forest with the queen's huntsman, he killed her and took her heart. When seven mysterious strangers save her, Sophie begins to realize that the queen who ordered her death isn't the real enemy. She sets out to reclaim her heart, finding the courage and strength to face the darkest magic along the way.

Henry and Mudge and Annie's good move

When Henry's cousin Annie prepares to move in next door, he and Mudge help calm her fears.

Julian's glorious summer

When his best friend, Gloria, receives a new bike, Julian spends the summer avoiding her because of his fear of bikes.

Uni's first recital

"It is almost time for Uni's first dance recital! Uni has practiced but is still worried about forgetting the routine. How will Uni tell left from right and remember the steps when performing on stage? Uni fans new and old will be excited to join this bighearted unicorn on a new adventure that shares the power of hard work and practice--plus a little help from mom and unicorn magic--to feel confident!"--.

Gus's escape

"Gus may be Whiskers Down the Lane's guard dog, but that doesn't mean he never gets scared! After coming face-to-face with his biggest fear, he escapes into the woods and hurts his leg. How will Gus make it home now? If it's up to his fellow pet pals, he won't have to do it alone!"--.

Way past afraid

When a thunderstorm intrudes on Van and Abbi's sleepover at Grammy and Pop's, Van is terrified, but he has an ingenious plan to make the sun come out again.

Sentirse temeroso

"What does it mean to feel afraid? Readers will learn how to recognize and manage that feeling in themselves, and how to respond to others who feel that way. An early social and emotional book with Spanish-only text, including a word list"--Provided by publisher.

The frightful ride of Michael McMichael

Taking the bus to make a delivery to his grandmother, a little boy is alarmed by the bus's scary driver, who grows creepier by the minute as the other passengers disembark.

Skeletina and the in-between world

Welcome to the in-between world, where the living go when they are fast asleep and where ghosts stay when they have unfinished business. Skeletina and her friends help visitors confront their fears and worries or see a loved one they miss.


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