interpersonal relations

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interpersonal relations

One of those hideous books where the mother dies

Fifteen-year-old Ruby Milliken leaves her best friend, her boyfriend, her aunt, and her mother's grave in Boston and reluctantly flies to Los Angeles to live with her father, a famous movie star who divorced her mother before Ruby was born.

The rules

At sixteen, Ariane Tucker has been careful to elude those seeking her since her escape from a genetics lab ten years earlier, but the attention of classmate Zane, both frightening and intoxicating, tempts her to risk violating at least one of her adoptive father's five simple rules.

One year in Coal Harbor

In a small fishing village in British Columbia, twelve-year-old Primrose tries to be a matchmaker for her Uncle Jack, befriends Ked, a new foster child, tries to decide if she is willing to go to jail for her convictions, and together with Ked, publishes a cook book to raise money for the Fisherman's Aid. Includes recipes.

How to beat cyberbullying

Cyberbullies use electronic devices such as computers and cell phones to embarrass, harass, or threaten someone. They use words or pictures to scare or taunt their targets at home, school, and many other places. In this insightful book, teens can learn smart ways to protect themselves and others when they use electronic devices.

How to beat physical bullying

In this stirring narrative, teen readers learn about some of the causes of physical bullying, people who have struggled to cope with the problem, strategies for victims and bystanders on how to stop physical bullying, and how individuals and schools can reduce this grave injustice.

How to beat social alienation

Social alienation is a form of indirect bullying. In this penetrating narrative, teens learn about the effects of bullying, not only to the victim but also to the bully. Readers will also explore topics such as how bullies choose targets, how people who are socially isolated can develop a plan of defense, and how to combat social alienation.

How to beat psychological bullying

Experts refer to psychological bullying as relational aggression. In other words, the bully sets out to damage the victim's relationships with others by affecting how peers view that person. Readers examine how it feels to be psychologically bullied and why certain teens are more likely to be targets than others.

How to beat verbal bullying

In this insightful narrative, students understand and identify damaging verbal encounters, what to expect from an encounter with a verbal bully and ways to respond. Learn about efforts that schools and communities are taking to destroy the bullying culture, anti-bullying legislation, and the federal Stop Bullying Now! Campaign.

A girl named Digit

After identifying a terrorist plot, a brilliant seventeen-year-old girl from Santa Monica, California, gets involved with the young FBI agent who is trying to ensure her safety.


the theory, practice, and destructive properties of love
Afraid to actually ask Tina Zabinski for a date, eighth-grader Kevin spends most of his time theorizing about love and romance and observing and analyzing male/female interaction.


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