
Topical Term

Hansel and Diesel

Sibling trucks Hansel and Diesel travel into the middle of the junkyard in search of fuel and have a frightening encounter with the Wicked Winch.

Clarice Bean, that's me

A girl describes the hectic life she leads among the members of her large family, and her search for a little peace and quiet.

Double trouble Groundhog Day

When Grampie Groundhog decides to retire from forecasting the weather, he has twins Greta and Gregory draw straws to see who will take over the important job, but the winner is so nervous the two put aside their squabbling and work together.

Sort it out!

A rhyming story about a packrat who enjoys sorting his collection of trinkets in a variety of ways. Includes activities.

Almost forever

A young girl describes what she, her brother, and their mother do during the year that her doctor father is serving in the Army in Vietnam.

The slippery slope

In the perilous Mortmain Mountains, Klaus and Violet Baudelaire meet another well-read person, who helps them try to rescue Sunny from the villainous Count Olaf and his henchmen as they all near "the last safe place.".

The carnivorous carnival

On the run as suspected murdered, the unlucky Baudelaire orphans find themselves trapped in the Caligari Carnival, where they must masquerade as freaks in order to hide from the evil Count Olaf.

Aunt Harriet's Underground Railroad in the sky

With Harriet Tubman as her guide, Cassie retraces the steps escaping slaves took on the Underground Railroad in order to reunite with her younger brother.

The rise of the House of McNally, or, About time too

The McNally children's powers in time travel lead them upon several strange adventures.

The town of Zack

Zack, fed up with his little sisters barging into his room, finds a place to be alone with his dog at the old school playground and names it the town of Zack, but it is not long before everyone at school wants access to his town and his three little sisters begin to seem not so bad after all.


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