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Exit through the gift shop

Follows an eccentric French shopkeeper who attempts to capture Banksy, a British graffiti artist with a global reputation, on film, only to have the artist turn the camcorder back on its owner.

Exit through the gift shop

Follows an eccentric French shopkeeper who attempts to capture Banksy, a British graffiti artist with a global reputation, on film, only to have the artist turn the camcorder back on its owner.

Exit through the gift shop

Follows an eccentric French shopkeeper who attempts to capture Banksy, a British graffiti artist with a global reputation, on film, only to have the artist turn the camcorder back on its owner.

Wall and piece

Banksy presents an overview of his career as a "guerilla" street artist, exploring the walls, streets, buildings, and installations he has created throughout the world, and providing tips on making stencils.

Wall and piece

A collection of street art on walls, bridges, and streets with satirical social and political themes.
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