Lee, Stan

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Amazing fantastic incredible

a marvelous memoir
Chronicles the life and career of the author Stan Lee in graphic memoir form from his difficult childhood in New York City through his rise as as one of most legendary names in comic book history.
Cover image of Amazing fantastic incredible

The amazing Spider-Man

the ultimate newspaper comics collection
Collects "The Amazing Spider-Man" comic strips from 1983 through 1984, featuring Peter Parker who is given superhero powers after being bitten by a spider.


Twelve magical superpowers are released in the world and its up to one boy to save the world and unlock the mystery of the zodiac.

How to draw comics the marvel way

An encyclopedia of information on creating cartoon strips from two contributors to Marvel Comics, one of the most successful comic book publishers.

Stan Lee's how to draw superheroes

Demonstrates how to draw superhero characters in the style of Marvel favorites, demystifying specific tools and techniques while sharing advice for also creating villains, sidekicks, and monsters.
Cover image of Stan Lee's how to draw superheroes

The Amazing Spider-Man, volume 1

In 1962, in the pages of a comic book slated for cancellation, Stan Lee and Steve Ditko gave birth to one of the most enduring icons in American popular culture - the one and only amazing Spider-Man.
Cover image of The Amazing Spider-Man, volume 1

The amazing Spider-Man

the ultimate newspaper comics collection
Collects "The Amazing Spider-Man" comic strips from 1981 through 1982, featuring Peter Parker who is given superhero powers after being bitten by a spider.
Cover image of The amazing Spider-Man

The amazing Spider-man

the ultimate newspaper comics collection
Collects "The Amazing Spider-Man" comic strips from 1977 through 1979, featuring Peter Parker who is given superhero powers after being bitten by a spider.
Cover image of The amazing Spider-man

Secret invasion

the infiltration
Skrulls, shape-changers that pose as the Fantastic Four as well as the New Avengers, attempt to take out the superheroes, including Namor, Black Bolt, and Iron Man, with their devious ways.
Cover image of Secret invasion

The essential Avengers

Collects black-and-white reprints of no. 25-46 and the first annual of "The Avengers," tracing the evolution of the superhero team as it loses Thor and Iron Man, regains Goliath and Wasp, and faces such villians as the Mad Thinker, the Collector, and Dr. Doom.


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