extraterrestrial beings

Topical Term
extraterrestrial beings

Minnie and Moo and the potato from Planet X

Minnie and Moo come to the aid of a visitor from outer space.

Smile if you're human

An alien child's quest to take a photograph of a "mysterious creature known as a human" has an unexpected result when a search through an Earth zoo brings an encounter with a gorilla.

It came from outer space

The inhabitants of a disabled spaceship take steps to prevent the panic-stricken citizens of Sand Rock from thwarting efforts to repair their craft.

Aliens stole my body

Rod has found his father but lost his own body to the villainous BKR, which leaves Rod sharing the body of a one-eyed blue alien named Seymour.

Lost in Las Vegas

After crashing their spaceship in the Nevada desert, Klatu, Lek, and their sister Ploo go to Las Vegas in search of the one mechanic who can fix it.

The sky is falling!

Chicken Little is the laughingstock of Oakey Oaks until aliens invade and he gets a chance to become a hero.

Invaders from within

The reader's decisions control the course of an adventure involving a glowing mountaintop dome that may be from outer space.

The computer nut

Ten-year-old Kate begins a communication exchange on a computer with someone purporting to be from outer space, who says he is going to pay a visit to Earth soon.

Animorphs : The visitor

Rachel and her friends run into a dying alien who gives them the power to morph into any animal they touch, placing the responsibility of saving the Earth from a silent, deadly attack completely in their hands.

My teacher is an alien

After Susan sees Mr. Smith the substitute teacher peel off his face, she knows he's an alien and only Peter believes her. Together they work to save the class from Mr. Smith's horrible plans.


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