
Topical Term

What should Darla do?

"Darla is a young and spunky astronaut-in-training. She wants to go to Mars one day, just like her favorite doll, Astronautica. But, to do so, she'll need to practice using her Power to Choose wisely"--OCLC.

Middle school, the worst years of my life

When Rafe Kane enters middle school, he teams up with his best friend, "Leo the Silent," to create a game to make school more fun by trying to break every rule in the school's code of conduct.

Soldier boys

Spencer Morgan And Dieter Hedrick Are On Opposite Sides Of The War And Fighting For The Same Thing. At the age of fifteen, Dieter's blind devotion gets him promoted from Hitler Youth into the German army. Dieter's determined to prove his allegiance and bravery all costs. Spence, just sixteen, drops out of his Utah high school to begin training as a paratrooper. He's seen how boys who weren't much in high school can come home heroes, and Spence wants to prove to his friends and family that he really can be something. Their worst fear was that the war would end too soon -- that they wouldn't get the chance to prove themselves. But when they finally see the action they were hoping for, it's like nothing they could have ever imagined.

Grown-ups never do that

Grown-ups never misbehave, cheat, talk with their mouths full, or complain--despite ample evidence to the contrary.

Secret Santa

When Katie draws Andrew's name in the first-grade Christmas gift exchange, she decides not to give him a present because he has said mean things about her reindeer sweater.

Como van a la escuela los dinosaurios?

Explains how little dinosaurs should behave during a typical school day.

How do dinosaurs go to school?

Explains how little dinosaurs should behave during a typical school day.

Villanas perfectas

"Toda nin?a suen?a con ir al Instituto Real de Bellas Artes para aprender a ser una princesa, pero Dalia y Dominga no podri?an estar menos encantadas. Ellas son diferentes... de la misma manera. Ninguna de las dos quiere ser la ma?s bella. Por el contrario, quieren unirse a una sociedad secreta de villanos en la Academia Embrujada, asi? que han ideado la trama perfecta para arruinar el primer di?a de clases. Sera? el plan ma?s macabro. Algo tan perfectamente terrible, tan fanta?sticamente horrible, tan maravillosamente perverso que seguramente recibira?n sus invitaciones a la Academia Embrujada." --.

Santa knows

Armed with the facts, young Alfie sets out to prove to the world that Santa Claus does not exist but no one pays attention, especially his sister Noelle, whose only request of the man in red is a nicer big brother.

Tony Baloney

buddy trouble
Tony and his big sister can go to the indoor camping event, Books and Buddies, if they are good--but being polite and helping each other for a whole day is difficult for this brother and sister.


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