The way people live

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Life During the Black Death

Discusses the conditions and events that led to the plague that devastated fourteenth-century Europe.

Life During the Black Death

Discusses the conditions and events that led to the plague that devastated fourteenth-century Europe.

Life in the American Colonies

Life in a California mission

Discusses the history of California missions, their dual purpose of converting people to Catholicism and consolidating Spanish territory, and the daily life of friars and natives.

Life on an Israeli kibbutz

Describes daily life in an Israeli commune and provides a history of the kibbutz movement.

Life in an Eskimo village

Describes life in Eskimo's villages in the Arctic Circle.

Life in the North during the Civil War

Describes urban, rural, and Union Army camp life in the northern United States during the bloodiest war in America's history.

Life in Castro's Cuba

Examines life in Cuba since Fidel Castro assumed power, including the history of the nation, its geographical significance, home life, education, economic role, arts and entertainment.

Life during the American Revolution

Describes farm and village life, city life, soldier life, and the lives of women and African-Americans, free and slave, during the Revolutionary War; and also includes an annotated bibliography.

Life among the Vikings

Discusses the history, settlements, social structure, religion, occupations, and culture of the Vikings.


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