Mehling, Carl

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Prehistoric mammals

Illustrations and text describe the physical characteristics of twenty-nine prehistoric mammals. Includes a statistics box for each featured animal, discussion of fossil evidence, and a time line.
Cover image of Prehistoric mammals

Before the dinosaurs

Draws on fossil evidence to provide physical descriptions of thirty-five prehistoric animals.
Cover image of Before the dinosaurs


a dinosaur q&a book : would a dinosaur eat my teacher?
Presents a series of silly questions with answers that provide factual information about dinosaurs. Includes photographs and humorous illustrations.

Horned, spiked, and crested dinosaurs

Describes with simple text and illustrations a number of horned, spiked, or crested dinosaurs, providing the fossil evidence for each creature and its geographic distribution.

Would a dinosaur eat my teacher?

Questions and answers provide facts about dinosaurs, such as what they ate, how they are named, and how scientists gather information from fossils.

Small and deadly dinosaurs

Describes the physical characteristics and behaviors of twenty-four small dinosaurs, with the help of fossil evidence.

Giant plant-eating dinosaurs

With the help of fossil evidence, provides physical descriptions of thirty-two plant-eating dinosaurs.

Giant meat-eating dinosaurs

Illustrations and text provide physical descriptions of seventeen carnivorous dinosaurs, based on fossil evidence, including the "Megalosaurus, " "Allosaurus, " "Baryonyx, " "Gigantosaurus, " "Tyrannosaurus rex, " and others.


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