
Topical Term

Armageddon in retrospect

and other new and unpublished writings on war and peace
A collection of twelve writings by twentieth-century American novelist Kurt Vonnegut that reflect war and peace, including his reflections on the destruction of Dresden during World War II.
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The peace book

Describes peace as making new friends, sharing a meal, feeling good about yourself, and more.
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Can you say peace?

Every September 21 on the International Day of Peace, children around the world wish in many different languages for peace.
Cover image of Can you say peace?

The laughing river

a folktale for peace
Two African tribes in conflict are brought together by a melodious, laughing river. Incorporates accurate musical notes which create a song by story's end.
Cover image of The laughing river

Freedom from fear

Since World War II, nations have engaged in a race to build bombs and war machines. Read why the freedom from fear is so important in the world today and learn how people are working to eliminate the weapons of war around the world.
Cover image of Freedom from fear

Talking peace

a vision for the next generation
Discusses the various factors involved in peace negotiations and conflict resolution, examining such elements as the living conditions of citizens in peacetime and wartime and the effect of international relations on innocent citizens.
Cover image of Talking peace

Peace, Locomotion

Through letters to his little sister, who is living in a different foster home, sixth-grader Lonnie, also known as "Locomotion," keeps a record of their lives while they are apart, describing his own foster family, including his foster brother who returns home after losing a leg in the Iraq War.
Cover image of Peace, Locomotion

Why do we fight?

conflict, war, and peace
Examines factors that lead to conflicts and wars and discusses ways in which countries come to agreements.

A little peace

Stresses the responsibility of individuals, including children, in promoting peace.

The peace book

Describes peace as making new friends, sharing a meal, feeling good about yourself, and more.
Cover image of The peace book


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