psychological aspects

Geographic Name
psychological aspects

This republic of suffering

death and the American Civil War
Explores the material, political, intellectual, and spiritual impact of the enormous loss of life resulting from the Civil War in America, and looks at how military personnel and civilians dealt with the carnage on both practical and spiritual levels.

Courage under fire

profiles in bravery from the battlefields of the Civil War
Uses letters and diaries to profile various men and women of the Civil War who demonstrated bravery in life and death situations.

Courage under fire

profiles in bravery from the battlefields of the Civil War
Draws on letters and diary entries written by both Union and Confederate soldiers pays tribute to their extraordinary courage.


the last discovery of America
Explores the experiences of Hispanics in the United States, arguing that Hispanics are becoming Americanized at the same rate America is becoming Latinized, discussing the influence Hispanics have had on American culture, history, and society.

It's the little things

the everyday interactions that get under the skin of Blacks and Whites
Identifies and discusses the gestures, expressions, words, and body language that hinder communication and trust between African-Americans and whites.

It's the little things

everyday interactions that anger, annoy, and divide the races
Identifies and discusses the gestures, expressions, words, and body language that hinder communication and trust between African-Americans and whites.


the strange career of a troublesome word
Traces the history of the word "nigger", discussing its origins, the different connotations it has had, how it has been used, and the controversies which have surrounded its use.

Our new home

immigrant children speak
Presents the words and drawings of children from China, India, Russia, Argentina, Germany, and other countries, in which they describe their feelings about moving to Canada.

For cause and comrades

why men fought in the Civil War
Draws from the letters and diaries of men who fought on both sides of the Civil War to examine the reasons why they were willing to risk their lives in the divisive conflict.


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