self-esteem in children

Topical Term
self-esteem in children

Raising confident girls

100 tips for parents and teachers
Presents one hundred guidelines for instilling confidence in girls, each with parent- and teacher-specific suggestions, covering such topics as meeting needs, responding to setbacks, and supporting personal growth.


Helping readers identify their emotions, this book looks at pride, including how to feel proud and how to help other people feel proud.

Cliques just don't make cents!

Penny tries to hang with the Coin Clique, but she usually feels left out. Then one day Penny lands in a pocket with the beautiful, gold Sacagawea dollar coin, who starts to teach her how special and valuable she really is. Included in the book are tips for parents, teachers, and counselors on how to help young people, espcially girls, who feel excluded and left out by others.

What kids need to succeed

proven, practical ways to raise good kids

200 ways to raise a girl's self-esteem

an indispensableguide for parents, teachers, and other concerned caregivers
Offers principles for raising healthy girls and suggests exercises for parents and teachers designed to help them bolster self-esteem in girls.

Self-esteem games

300 fun activities that make children feel good about themselves
Describes three hundred games and activities designed to help children of all ages and genders build positive self-images.

Boost your child's self-esteem

simple, effective ways to build children's self-respect and confidence
Presents tips for parents on how to help their children develop self-esteem. Each page has one tip followed by an explanation of the idea.

The confident child

raising a child to try, learn, and care
Guide to raising children who are confident, motivated, and caring, uses emotional coaching to teach children to respond appropriately to their feelings.

Family violence

how to recognize and survive it
Discusses various forms of family violence, including child abuse, sibling abuse, incest, and elder abuse, and discusses how to get help as well as ways of building self-esteem.


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