Delton, Judy

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Greedy groundhogs

Groundhog Day is coming up and the Pee Wee Scouts are desperate to spot a real live groundhog or there will be no furry groundhog badges for them.

Pee Wees on parade

The Pee Wees will get to ride real ponies down the street on the Fourth of July, but Molly does not know how to ride.

Fishy wishes

Mrs. Peters says that the extra-clever Pee Wees can combine their hobbies with the program the Scouts will perform for Grandparents Day, but every hobby Molly starts turns into disaster.

Blue skies, french fries

The Pee Wee Scouts learn the importance of team spirit and sportsmanship when they play a soccer match for charity.

Lights, action, land-ho!

Moviemakers are coming to town to film the story of Columbus. Molly wants to be a star. So do the other Pee Wee Scouts, but they have been cast as extras. Can they make the director notice them?.

Lucky dog days

The Pee Wee Scouts plan a trip to the animal shelter, but Sonny is afraid of dogs, Tracy is allergic, and Rachel ends up in a lake; so the group decides the best way to help is to raise money with a rummage sale.

Spring sprouts

The Pee Wee Scouts plant radishes while working on a badge about how to eat right.

Trash bash

The Pee Wee scouts are digging through people's trash and storing old light bulbs and egg cartons behind Molly's garage. The work is hard but Mrs. Peters is offering a prize to the scout who does the most creative thing with trash.

That mushy stuff

The Pee Wee Scouts work on a first aid badge and make valentines that hold secret badges. Molly decides she wants a badge and a boyfriend.

Camp Ghost-Away

The Pee Wee Scouts sell donuts to raise money for a camping trip. When they arrive at the camp, a strange and scary voice scares them during the night.


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