Illustrated living history series

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The Revolutionary soldier

Revolutionary medicine, 1700-1800

Chronicles the treatments and theories of American medicine in the eighteenth century.
Cover image of Revolutionary medicine, 1700-1800

The Revolutionary soldier

Indian handcrafts

Describes and gives instructions for making a variety of traditional Native American tools, clothing, toys, ornaments, and other items.

Pirates and patriots of the Revolution

Tells the story of America's "civilian navy" (privateers) during the Revolutionary War, in which 2,000 privately armed American vessels captured sixteen British warships and almost 3,000 merchantmen.

The Revolutionary soldier, 1775-1783

Illustrated sourcebook of authentic details about everyday life for Revolutionary War soldiers.

Revolutionary medicine, 1700-1800

Chronicles the treatments and theories of American medicine in the 18th century.

Tall ships of the world

Chronicles the 150-year history of tall sailing vessels.


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