
Topical Term

The haunting of Charles Dickens

Twelve-year-old Meg travels the rooftops and streets of 1862 London, England, in search of her missing brother, Orion, accompanied by a family friend, the famed author Charles Dickens, whose quest is to find his next novel.

The time pirate

Unwilling to let the Germans occupy his islands unopposed, young Nick takes to the skies in a restored WWI fighter plane. Determined to learn to fly, he is soon photographing German patrol boats by day and flying by night.


While Idris Limpet, Rightful King of the Land of Lyonesse, is making the treacherous journey to the distant land of Aegypt to rescue his dear friend and sister, Morgan, he meets a company of friends who shall become his Knights of the Round Table and lead armies to battle the evil regent, Fisheagle.

The big dip

Joe Lumby is determined to find the mysterious treasure, "Margaret Rose," after his kid sister is kidnapped.

Nick of time

Twelve-year-old Nick McIver tries to help his father and sister send vital information to England about imminent Nazi invasion, until he finds himself transported through time to help his ancestor stop a mutinous captain who is aiding the French fleet and endangering British sailors.

The hunt for dark infinity

After being kidnapped by Mr. Chu, Atticus "Tick" Higginbottom and his friends Paul and Sofia must survive a series of tests in several different Realities.

Behind the curtain

an Echo Falls mystery
An avid Sherlock Holmes fan, eighth grader Ingrid Levin-Hill is kidnapped while investigating mysterious happenings in her home town.

The kidnappers

a mystery
No one believes eleven-year-old Joey, who has a reputation for telling tall tales, when he claims to have witnessed the kidnapping of the class bully outside their expensive New York City private school.

Storm catchers

Filled with guilt over his younger sister's kidnapping, teenaged Fin tries to rescue her and in the process learns about a dark family secret.

Someone was watching

When his baby sister disappears from the river near their summer home, eighth grader Chris fights the assumption that she has drowned and uncovers evidence that something entirely different has happened to her.


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