Polette, Nancy

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Research without copying

A practical guide that encourages students to critically research, analyze, and comprehend the material that they read and use that information in a variety of ways without copying.

Reading the world with folktales

Teaches about foreign countries through nineteen folktales adapted for readers' theater, each including lessons and activities to promote understanding of different lands and cultures.

The spy with the wooden leg

the story of Virginia Hall
Chronicles the life and career of Virginia Hall, who became a spy during World War II even though she had a wooden leg.

Gateway to reading

250+ author games and booktalks to motivate middle readers
Contains more than 250 author games and booktalks to movtivate middle school readers.

Gifted books, gifted readers

literature activities to excite young minds
A collection of literature activities for gifted students, featuring brief summaries of suggested titles, each followed by one or more activities; grouped in the categories of picture books, fairy tales and fantasy, the classics and poetry, exploring diversity, learning from the past, and heroines and heroes.

Developing methods of inquiry

a source book for elementary media personnel
Provides guidance for media personnel determining a philosophy of media center service.


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