Haughton, Emma

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Rights in the home

Discusses the belief that people have the basic right to a safe, secure home and the importance of the family unit in providing that home.

Drug abuse?

Presents an examination of the issues related to drug abuse, including information on why people take illegal drugs, as well as drug policies, legalization, prescriptions and medicinal drugs, and alternative drug treatments.

Equality of the sexes?

Presents an examination of the issues related to gender equality, and includes a discussion of equality in the workplace, marriage, parenting, sexual freedom, and more.

Rights in the home

Looks at the issues of homelessness and domestic relations from the point of view of universal human rights.

The right to smoke?

Presents an examination of smoking, in simple text with illustrations, including a discussion of who smokes and why, how smoking is promoted, health risks, the tobacco industry, and more.

Rainy day

Shortly after his parents have separated, Nick visits his father on a gray, rainy day and they take a long walk in the storm.

Equality of the sexes?

Examines views about women and their roles in marriage, religion, education, sexual relationships, and the workplace, as well as discussing their legal and economic status.

Drug abuse?

Presents information and viewpoints relating to drug abuse by young people throughout the world but with particular emphasis on those of Great Britain.

Living with deafness

Explains the condition of deafness, its possible causes, and how it affects the everyday lives of those who are dealing with it.

Drinking, smoking, and other drugs

Explains the nature of drugs, both legal and illegal, how they can affect the body, and how they can help or harm users.


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