juvenile films

Geographic Name
juvenile films

Where on the planet are we?

Teaches children about the basic geography of planet Earth, using animation and computer graphics to explore such topics as how tall mountains are, how deep oceans are, and how big a mile is.

The legislative branch

Presents an introduction to the Legislative branch of of the United States government, providing information on its history, origins, and functions, including the requirements for becoming a member of Congress, the process by which a bill becomes a law, and more.

The judicial branch

Presents an examination of the history and origins of the Judicial Branch and Supreme Court, and includes a look at the Supreme Court's power to influence American history and society.

The executive branch

Looks at how the executive branch of the U.S. government was established by the Founding Fathers, identifies the people and offices that make up the executive branch, discusses the duties of the president and vice-president, and explains the system of checks and balances.

United States expansion

Examines the westward expansion of the U.S. from several perspectives, covering the Lewis and Clark expedition and Sacajawea, the experiences of children in pioneer families, the removal of Native Americans from their homelands, and the legend of African-American folk hero John Henry, as well as the history of Mount Rushmore.


Provides an introduction to Sacagawea, a young Native American woman of the Shoshone tribe who joined the Lewis and Clark expedition as a translator and guide, and played an important role in the mission's success.

All about Earth's history

Examines the history of Earth, looking at what scientists have learned through a study of fossils and rock layers, and discussing the evolution of the planet and its lifeforms.

We the people

the story of the Constitution of the United States
Looks at life in the U.S. under the Articles of Confederation and examines the events of 1787 when the founding fathers gathered in Philadelphia to draft the Constitution of the United States.

The American frontier

Provides insights into the explorations of the American frontier through a dramatized interview with Kit Carson in which he discusses his own accomplishments, as well as the activities of such frontiersmen as Daniel Boone, Zebulon Pike, Jedediah Smith, and James Beckwourth.

My family from Vietnam

Examines family life in Vietnam through a visit with Giang, a twelve-year-old girl living with her parents, brother, sister, and grandparents in the northern part of the country, providing insights into Vietnamese cultural traditions, foods, and celebrations.


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