In the late 1800s, young Timmy O'Dowd and his "city boy" cousin must forget their differences and pool their energies when the Erie Canal is damaged by storms.
After stepping into a ghost circle Thorn is urged to locate the Crown of Horns, and sets off on a quest with Fone Bone to traipse through the sacred grounds of dragons, with the hope of returning with the only thing that can save everyone and everything she holds dear.
The Bone cousins, along with Gran'ma Ben and Thorn, struggle to reach the safety of the city of Atheia, on a journey that has become increasingly bleak with the release of the Lord of the Locusts.
When Woodrow's mother suddenly disappears, he moves to his grandparents' home in a small Virginia town where he befriends his cousin and together they find the strength to face the terrible losses and fears in their lives.