Bowman, John

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Early civilizations

Important events of early civilizations 400,000 B.C. - A.D. 220.

Universal history of the world

Universal history of the world

Universal history of the world

Early civilizations

Beginning with prehistoric men, this volume depicts the life and contributions of early civilizations in the Middle East, India, and China.

Andrew Carnegie

Biography of the Scottish immigrant who became the richest man in the world for his time.


Examines the differences between good and bad sportsmanship.

The history of the American presidency

This book offers an overview of the forty-two men who have overseen the development of the United States from fledgling to superpower.

The history of the American presidency

Individual chapters on each president highlight the important events in their administrations but give equal time to their backgrounds, family life and education, military and political careers and their lives following their terms of office.


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