internet searching

Topical Term
internet searching

How to do great online research

Teaches how to find information on the Internet and to distinguish between reputable and disreputable sites.

Librarian's guide to online searching

Presents a comprehensive librarian's guide to doing online research that shows how to work with databases covering most academic subject areas as well as teaching others about databases.

Going beyond Google again

strategies for using and teaching the Invisible Web
A guide to improving Internet search skills and using search engines that discusses characteristics of the invisible Web, research strategies, tools, and other related topics.

What every educator should know about using Google

Shows how to use Google applications in both classroom and administrative settings, covering shared documents, spreadsheet, calendars, and social networking.

How to find almost anything on the Internet

a kid's guide to safe searching
Shows children how to use such Internet search engines as "Yahoo!," "Excite," and "AltaVista.".

Super smart information stragegies

Describes strategies for searching the World Wide Web, explaining how to narrow a search, discussing the use of keywords, subscription databases, and subject directories, and including exercises, checklists, and illustrations.

The search

how Google and its rivals rewrote the rules of business and transformed our culture
Explains how Google became one of the world's leading IPOs and reveals how it contributed to changes in information searching and viral marketing.


the ultimate Google resource
Provides information on the features of Google, including such topics as Gmail, AdSense, AdWords, the Google Desktop, Google Earth, Blogger, and Picasa.

Web of deceit

misinformation and manipulation in the age of social media
Examines how thieves use the Internet to perpetrate scams and hoaxes.

The Invisible Web

uncovering information sources search engines can't see
Describes the difference between the "Visible" and "Invisible" Web, explains how to access the Invisible Web, and presents a directory of more than one thousand Invisible Web sites on such topics as business, education, health, legal resources, and public records.


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