Litwin, Laura Baskes

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Susan B. Anthony

social reformer and feminist
Chronicles the life of the feminist and suffragist, covering her early life, work towards the abolition of slavery, and death before the Nineteenth Amendment.

The life of Benjamin Banneker

astronomer and mathematician
Benjamin Banneker, born in 1731, was a man ahead of his time. As a free African American in a time of slavery, Banneker was not welcome in white society, and he spent most of his life on his Maryland farm. There he harnessed his keen and curious intellect to teach himself complex mathematics and astronomy. Banneker secured a place in history with his role in surveying the site for the capital city, Washington D.C., and his published almanacs with precise tide calculations and weather predictions. Also, Banneker himself was one of the first African Americans to speak out against slavery. Banneker's accomplishments were used by abolitionists as proof of the intellectual powers of his race.

Write horror fiction in 5 simple steps

"Divides the creative writing process into five steps, from inspiration to publishable story, and includes in-depth treatment of the horror fiction genre with writing prompts"--Provided by publisher.

Matthew Henson

co-discoverer of the North Pole
Recounts the life and struggles of the man who raised the American flag on the North Pole in 1909, describes how his knowledge and skills helped make the event possible, and discusses why his contributions were ignored at the time.

Zora Neale Hurston

"I have been in sorrow's kitchen"
A biography of Zora Neale Hurston that provides information on her childhood, family life, education, and writing career.

Benjamin Banneker

astronomer and mathematician
A biography of the eighteenth-century African-American who taught himself mathematics and astronomy and helped survey what would become Washington, D.C.

A Reader's guide to Zora Neale Hurston's Their eyes were watching God

"An introduction to Zora Neale Hurston's novel Their eyes were watching God for high school students, which includes biographical background on the author, explanations of various literary devices and techniques, and literary criticism for the novice reader"--Provided by publisher.

Fannie Lou Hamer

fighting for the right to vote
A biography of the civil rights activist who devoted her life to helping blacks register to vote and gain a national political voice.


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