body image

Topical Term
body image

Healthy eating for weight management

Offers a brief introduction to dieting and weight management and provides information on how people can meet their nutritional needs while dieting.

Does this book make me look fat?

A collection of short stories, poems, and essays about body image, self-esteem, diets, eating disorders, relationships, fashion magazines, and more, with book, movie, and music recommendations.

Real gorgeous

the truth about body and beauty
Discusses the psychological impact of health and beauty issues on women, calling for greater self-acceptance and covering such topics as eating disorders, cosmetic surgery, and the fashion industry.

Dynamic alignment through imagery

Discusses the origins and uses of imagery as a tool for improving posture and alignment; explores the biomechanical and anatomical foundations of complex imagery; provides anatomical imagery to help fine tune alignment and increase body awareness; and includes further discussion of posture and alignment, with exercises.

Hunger pains

the modern woman's tragic quest for thinness
The author discusses her experiences counseling women who are obsessed with their weight, and offers advice on how women can learn to accept and be at peace with their bodies and appetites.

A look in the mirror

freeing yourself from the body image blues
A hands-on workbook designed to help teens improve their body image, avoid negative messages about body type, femininity, and beauty, and avoid unrealistic standards of perfection while cultivating a positive self-image.

Fat! So?

Because you don't have to apologize for your size!
A collection of quotes, essays, and stories that explain why people should not be obsessed with their weight and should learn to love themselves because of who they are, not what they look like.

I'm glad to be me

Examines reasons to be glad that you are you.

Body traps

breaking the binds that keep you from feeling good about your body

My big fat secret

how Jenna takes control of her emotions and eating
Through email exchanges with her cousin, best friend, parents, and school counselor, twelve-year-old Jenna reveals a growing awareness of the causes of her emotional overeating and what she is doing to take control.


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