catholic church

Topical Term
catholic church

The dark heart

16- and 17th-century Spanish art
Art historian Andrew Graham-Dixon examines the work of artists who flourished in the provinces surrounding Madrid during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, a period characterized by imperialism and fervent Catholicism.

Nuclear ethics

a Christian moral argument
"Nuclear arms and deterrence constitute the major moral problem of our time.".

Pure faith

a prayer book for teen
Catholic prayers compiled by Jason Evert. Includes Morning and Evening prayers, prayers to Saints, Confession, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Stations of the Cross,and others; advice on how and when to pray.

The fire in these ashes

a spirituality of contemporary religious life
Sister Joan Chittister writes from the perspective of decades of deep involvement in religious life. She writes about religious life in the here and now, not about the value of its past nor about the possible shape of its future, asking a simple question: What, if anything, constitutes the spirituality of contemporary religious life? What is the work of religious life now? What are the virtues demanded of religious now that take character and test commitment, that make the world closer to the reign of God and bring a person closer to the Truth of life?.

Building bridges

gay & lesbian reality and the Catholic Church
This thoughtful and stimulating book examines the situation of gays and lesbians in the Catholic Church today and calls for compassion and reason from those in authority. The authors look at the subject from four viewpoints: educational and social concerns, counseling and pastoral issues, religious and clerical life, and evolving theological perspectives.

Behold the beauty of the Lord

praying with icons
This is a book of meditations penned by famed Catholic writer Henri Nouwen, growing out of his contemplation of icons during sojourns at l'Arche, a community for people with mental handicaps in Trosly, France.


the journey and the song
The author meditates on the mystery of the Visitation and on Mary's canticle.

Through a Catholic lens

religious perspectives of nineteen film directors from around the world
Examines the ways in which Catholic filmmakers have reflected upon their religious uprbringing and convictions.

Living Catholicism

There is more to the faithful following of Jesus than adherence to a set of beliefs - it is a whole way of life.

Evolution & creation

a Catholic understanding
Presents a Catholic view of this hotly debated issue. It examines the viewpoints held by evolutionists and creationists and proposes a position held by most Catholics and other Christian writers - a position known at various times as theistic evolution.


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