An examination of the machinery, specifications, technology, and capabilities of the F-14B with discussion of the plane's early development, combat history, and likely future.
Drawings, photographs, and text describe a variety of fighter and bomber planes, both U.S. and foreign, including Japan's Kawasaki fighters, the Lockheed F-104, Russia's MiGs, Sweden's Saab fighters, German Junkers, and Britain's Harrier.
Drawings, photographs, and text describe a variety of fighter planes, both U.S. and foreign, in use in World Wars I and II, including Britain's Sopwith Camel, the German Fokker and Messerschmitts, the American Curtiss series and the Lockheed Lightning.
Traces the history of fighter aircraft, focusing on the most significant models of the major world powers, and describes the "dream planes" of the future.