Lasky, Kathryn

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Watch wolf

Faolan, a wolf born with a twisted paw, returns to the pack that left him for dead to prove himself worthy, but just before he takes his place of honor, as one of the Wolves of the Watch, a wolf goes missing and Faolan discovers that she has been kidnapped by bears.

Spirit wolf

When earthquakes and erupting volcanoes strike the Beyond, Faolan and the other surviving wolves must head for the Distant Blue, where they hope to find a new home.

Shadow wolf

After earning the right to return to the wolf pack that abandoned him, the exiled Faolan joins the clan as a lowly "gnaw wolf," but his goal of rising in the pack order is threatened when a jealous rival frames him for an unspeakable crime.

Lone wolf

Abandoned by his pack, a baby wolf with a mysterious mark on his deformed paw survives and embarks on a journey that will change the world of the wolves of the Beyond.

Frost wolf

Faolan, exiled as a pup, must somehow find a way to claim his position as leader and unite the wolf pack in a fight against a looming danger.

Star Wolf

Wolves of the Beyond #6
A great cold and a powerful earthquake have shattered the Beyond forever, and the wolves must find a new home in order to survive. Their only hope lies in what they call the Distant Blue, a fain haze they can make out beyond the frozen sea.One an outcast, Faolan has spent a lifetime proving that he can be a leader. But as he steps out onto the narrow Ice Bridge the wolves will follow to the Distant blue, Faolan may be leading his friends into terrible danger. The Distant Blue could save the wolves, or it could be another broken land. And the wolves will face jagged ice, howling winds, and unknown threats from the deep just to get there. Can the refugees work together to reach their new home? Or will Faolan and the last remaining wolves of the Beyond be lost forever?.
Cover image of Star Wolf

Guardians of Ga'Hoole

Soren must lead Chaw of Chaws to rescue his sister, Eglantine. Thus begins the next battle between the owls of Ga'Hoole and the evil Pure Ones, deep in the treacherous territiroy known as the Beaks, where a raging forest fire will prove the greatest danger to the rescuers - and their best hope for victory.

Guardians of Ga'Hoole

Enraged by his clash with Soren and driven by and all-consuming desire for power, Kludd and his group, the Pure Ones, launch an attack upon the Great Ga'Hoole Tree. The noble owls who live there must fight fiercely to protect their resources and defend their honor.


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