emigration and immigration

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emigration and immigration

10 routes that crossed the world

Text and illustrations look at ten routes from around the world that have shaped the world today.

Until I find Julian

"Mateo's big brother Julian works in the United States. When the family doesn't hear from Julian for a few weeks, Mateo sneaks out and journeys north to find him, crossing the border with the help of a new friend, Angel"--Provided by publisher.

The Industrial Revolution, migration, and immigration

Readers explore the impact of the Industrial Revolution on U.S. migration and immigration patterns.

The only road

"Twelve-year-old Jaime makes the treacherous journey from his home in Guatemala to his older brother in New Mexico after his cousin is murdered by a drug cartel"--Provided by publisher.

Olive witch

a memoir
In the 1970s, Nigeria is flush with oil money, building new universities, and hanging on to old colonial habits. Abeer Hoque is a Bangladeshi girl growing up in a small sunlit town, where the red clay earth, corporal punishment and running games are facts of life. At thirteen she moves with her family to suburban Pittsburgh and finds herself surrounded by clouded skies and high schoolers who speak in movie quotes and pop culture slang. Finding her place as a young woman in America proves more difficult than she can imagine. Disassociated from her parents, and laid low by academic pressure and spiralling depression, she is committed to a psychiatric ward in Philadelphia. When she moves to Bangladesh on her own, it proves to be yet another beginning for someone who is only just getting used to being an outsider - wherever she is. Arresting and beautifully written, with poems and weather conditions framing each chapter, Olive Witch is an intimate memoir about taking the long way home.

The turtle of Oman

a novel
When Aref, a third-grader who lives in Muscat, Oman, refuses to pack his suitcase and prepare to move to Michigan, his mother asks for help from his grandfather, his Siddi, who takes Aref around the country, storing up memories he can carry with him to a new home.

Immigrant families

Immigrants have both built and enriched the United States. And yet, newcomers do not always feel welcome in their communities. This book explores the past and present of immigration: most specifically, the challenges that young people experience when they grow up in a culture very different from the one their parents know.


a chinatown adventure
Newly arrived in Victorian San Francisco from Ireland, Shannon plans the daring rescue of a young Chinese slave.

The sun is also a star

"Two teens--Daniel, the son of Korean shopkeepers, and Natasha, whose family is here illegally from Jamaica--cross paths in New York City on an eventful day in their lives--Daniel is on his way to an interview with a Yale alum, Natasha is meeting with a lawyer to try and prevent her family's deportation to Jamaica--and fall in love"--.

Molly's pilgrim

For the Thanksgiving display at school, Molly's Jewish mother dresses the doll as she herself dressed before leaving Russia to seek religious freedom--much to Molly's embarrassment.


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