emigration and immigration

Topical Term
emigration and immigration

Someday we will fly

Lillia, fifteen, flees Warsaw with her father and baby sister in 1940 to try to make a new start in Shanghai, China, but the conflict grows more intense as America and Japan become involved.


Discusses immigration, looking at the people who move and why they move to other countries.
Cover image of Immigration

Defining and discussing immigration

"Explore the facts and divergent points of view behind the headlines about immigration. Learn about border enforcement and security, sanctuary cities, proposals for immigration reform, and more"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Defining and discussing immigration

Immigration in America

asylum, borders, and conflicts
"Immigration is a hot topic in the United States. What kind of immigration should be allowed? How should immigrants who have come into the United States illegally be treated? What about the DREAMers? Refugees seeking asylum? Will building a border wall keep out illegal immigrants and stop the flow of drugs into the U.S.? Might improving technology offer a better answer? Students will learn about the issues surrounding immigration and border security while discovering how they can get involved in helping to find a solution"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Immigration in America

Coming to America

An introduction to the history and process of immigration to America.
Cover image of Coming to America

Lights for Gita

Just moved from India, Gita looks forward to her favorite holiday, Divali, but things are so different in her new home that she wonders if she will ever adjust.
Cover image of Lights for Gita

Letters from Rifka

Rifka, a young Jewish girl, writes to her cousin, chronicling her family's experiences fleeing Russia in 1919, and her own trials after being left in Belgium on her own while the others emigrate to America.
Cover image of Letters from Rifka

The cat who escaped from steerage

a bubbemeiser
Living in the steerage section of a steamship bound for America, Chanah tries to keep her newly found cat a secret.
Cover image of The cat who escaped from steerage

Migration in the 21st century

how will globalization and climate change affect migration and settlement?
Examines issues related to migration in the early twenty-first century, especially how globalization and climate change influence large-scale human migrations.
Cover image of Migration in the 21st century

The St. Patrick's Day shillelagh

On his way from Ireland to America to escape the potato famine, young Fergus carves a shillelagh from his favorite blackthorn tree, and each St. Patrick's Day for generations, his story is retold by one of his descendants.
Cover image of The St. Patrick's Day shillelagh


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