Lawson, Julie

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Cougar cove

Eleven-year-old Sam had hoped for an exciting summer when she went to visit her cousins on the west coast of Vancouver Island, but everything seems to go wrong until she comes face-to-face with a wild cougar and its two cubs.

Where the river takes me

the Hudson's Bay Company diary of Jenna Sinclair
Jenna Sinclair uses her journal to record the experiences she has while traveling with her family in the Hudson Bay Company.

A ribbon of shining steel

the railway diary of Kate Cameron


Karin, a twelve-year-old whose mother was swept away in an avalanche, miraculously finds the missing woman's goldstone pendant while out walking in the mountains, and puts it on only to learn that Mama's claim that the pendant brought dreams of the future was true.

Emma and the silk train

Emma, the daughter of a station-master, is fascinated by the fast moving silk trains and their precious cargo, and when one of the trains derails, tossing bales of the wonderful fabric into the river, Emma becomes obsessed with finding some silk of her own.

The dragon's pearl

During a terrible drought, a cheerful, dutiful son finds a magic pearl which forever changes his life and the lives of his mother and neighbors.

The Klondike cat

Noah, setting out for the Klondike in search of gold with his father in the 1890s, smuggles his cat Shadow into his pack against Pa's wishes, but the pet turns out to be just what they need to survive. Includes a historical note about the Klondike Stampede.

Midnight in the mountains

A young girl, too excited to sleep, anticipates the wonders of her winter vacation in the mountains.

Turns on a dime

Jo must choose between her old crowd of friends or Michael, her new friend.

No safe harbour

the Halifax explosion diary of Charlotte Blackburn
A young Canadian girl uses her diary to record the events surrounding the December 1917 explosion that destroyed her small town in Nova Scotia and her own struggles to rebuild her life and family.


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