Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds

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Faith, hope, and Ivy June

During a student exchange program, seventh-graders Ivy June and Catherine share their lives, homes, and communities, and find that although their lifestyles are total opposites they have a lot in common.
Cover image of Faith, hope, and Ivy June

All but Alice

Seventh grader Alice decides that the only way to stave off personal and social disasters is to be part of the crowd, especially the "in" crowd, no matter how boring and, potentially, difficult.
Cover image of All but Alice

Alice in rapture, sort of

The summer before she enters the seventh grade becomes the summer of Alice's first boyfriend, and she discovers that love is about the most mixed-up thing that can possibly happen to you, especially since she has no mother to go to for advice.
Cover image of Alice in rapture, sort of

Alice in-between

Thirteen-year-old Alice, not quite a woman and no longer a child, finds that growing up has its disadvantages as well as advantages.
Cover image of Alice in-between

Alice in April

Seventh-grader Alice discovers that turning thirteen will make her the woman of the house, so she devises a plan to get more appreciation from her father and older brother.
Cover image of Alice in April

How I came to be a writer

Details the career of one writer, from stories composed in grade school through first published pieces to novels written to date.
Cover image of How I came to be a writer

The witch returns

Convinced that the old woman who recently moved into the neighborhood is really the "dead" Mrs. Tuggle, Lynn and Mouse try to find help in withstanding her witchcraft.
Cover image of The witch returns

Boys in control

Once again the Hatford brothers and the Malloy sisters find themselves pitted against each other when embarrassing pictures of the boys turn up in the girls' basement, and the boys try to figure out how to get them back.

Bernie Magruder & the bus station blow-up

After several bombs go off around town, eleven-year-old Bernie Magruder becomes suspicious of various members of his family, causing confusion in Officer Feeney's investigation and around the hotel that his parents run.

Witch water

Lynn is more than ever convinced that their neighbor, Mrs. Tuggle, is involved in witchcraft but finds it difficult to convince her family of the old woman's evil. Sequel to "Witch's sister.".


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