
Topical Term

Simple courtesies

how to be a kind person in a rude world
Offers suggestions on how to apply the familiar concept of the Golden Rule to everyday life, and discusses the benefits of following the dictum, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.".

The Child's World of kindness

Simple text and scenes depict such demonstrations of kindness as giving someone else a turn on the swing, being gentle with puppy, helping grandfather rake leaves, and buttoning the sweater of someone who can't do it.

How the Grinch stole Christmas!

The Grinch, irritated by the joyful noise of Who-ville at Christmastime, sets out to stop the celebrating but instead learns the true meaning of the holiday. Includes "Horton Hears a Who," the story of a poetic elephant who goes to great trouble to protect some very small creatures living on a speck of dust.

Shiloh season

When mean and angry Judd, who has never known kindness, takes to drinking and mistreats his dogs, Marty discovers how deep a hurt can go and how long it takes to heal.

Nico & Lola

kindness shared between a boy and a dog
A young boy named Nico must think of ways to show his aunt's dog Lola kindness while he cares for her canine over the weekend.

Because Brian hugged his mother

When Brian hugs and kisses his mother one morning, the act starts a chain reaction of kindness and consideration that spreads throughout the town and eventually comes back to him.

Ava, the one and only

Ava's classmate makes fun of her freckles, but her parents urge her to be kind and remember that she is just the way God wants her to be.

Sharing and kindness

Shows appropriate and desireable social skills, dealing with sharing and kindness, in a cartoon setting.

A traveler from Altruria

Presents the text of William Dean Howells's story about a visitor from a country called Altruria whose way of life sharply differs from that which he encounters in New England and is greeted with sarcasm and disbelief when he attempts to explain his own society built on mutual respect and kindness.

The value of kindness

the story of Elizabeth Fry
Discusses the work of the English woman whose pioneering efforts in improving the lot of prisoners were based on the premise that prisoners' behaviour would improve if they were treated more kindly.


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