chesapeake bay region (md. and va.)

Geographic Name
chesapeake bay region (md. and va.)

Jacob have I loved

Filled with resentment over the attention showered upon her twin sister, and awaiting the day she can leave her town behind, young Louise meets a wise old sea captain and begins learning how to let go of her anger.

Jacob have I loved

Feeling deprived all her life of schooling, friends, mother, and even her name by her twin sister, Louise finally begins to find her identity.
Cover image of Jacob have I loved

Written in bone

buried lives of Jamestown and Colonial Maryland
Reports on the work of forensic scientists who are excavating grave sites in James Fort, in Jamestown, Virginia, to understand who lived in the Chesapeake Bay area in the 1600s and 1700s; and uncovers the lives of a teenage boy, a ship's captain, a colonial officer, an African slave girl, and others.

Jacob have I loved

Feeling deprived all her life of schooling, friends, mother, and even her name by her twin sister, Louise finally begins to find her identity.
Cover image of Jacob have I loved

Jacob have I loved

Feeling deprived all her life of schooling, friends, mother, and even her name by her twin sister, Louise finally begins to find her identity.

Jacob have I loved

Chinese translation
Having felt deprived all her life of schooling, friends, mother, and even her name by her twin sister, Louise finally begins to find her identity.

Tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay

Describes the tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay, which forms the third largest watershed in the world, covering the people, geography, and habitats of the Chesapeake Bay area.

History of the Chesapeake Bay

Describes how the Chesapeake Bay was formed, its early native inhabitants, the Jamestown years, settlements, the Chesapeake in wartime, today's Chesapeake, and modern efforts to save the ecosystem from abuse.

Chesapeake blue

Seth Quinn returns from Europe a successful painter to settle down once again in the seaside town of St. Christopher, Maryland, and becomes interested in local florist Dru Whitcomb, but the course of true love does not run true when their pasts conspire to tear them apart.

Shaw's Fortune

the picture story of a colonial plantation
Brief, simple text and detailed drawings recreate the world of the Shaw family, who lived in Virginia on a colonial plantation near the Chesapeake Bay for over 150 years, beginning in 1630.


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