Roberts, Lynn

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Sleeping Beauty

a mid-century fairy tale
"Annabel lives in the 1950s with her aunts Rosaline and Flora. She loves science fiction, and dreams of a future with jetpacks, flying cars and robots. When a witch's curse is fulfilled on her 16th birthday and she falls asleep for 1,000 years, her house is overgrown by a magnificent rose tree. A young explorer called Zoe discovers the story of Sleeping Beauty, but can she find Annabel in time to lift the curse and show her what the future actually looks like?"--Provided by publisher. po.

Little Red

a howlingly good fairy tale with a twist
Thomas--who is called Little Red--discovers a wolf in disguise at his grandmother's house and ingeniously uses ginger ale to save the day.


a groovy fairy tale
In this updated version of the Grimm fairy tale, Rapunzel has flaming red hair and is kept imprisoned by her Aunt Esme, a heartless school cafeteria worker, in a tenement apartment with a broken elevator.

Little Red

a fizzingly good yarn
In this version of the Grimm fairy tale, Thomas--who is called Little Red--discovers a wolf in disguise at his grandmother's house and ingeniously uses ginger ale to save the day.


an Art Deco love story
A retelling of the familiar story of a girl who is mistreated by her stepmother and stepsisters, but still manages to meet her prince with the help of a fairy godmother.
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