Evan doesn't like baby-sitting his cousin Kermit because Kermit likes to play mean practical jokes on Evan and his friend, Andy; but Andy has found something that will teach Kermit a lesson once and for all.
Gretchen and her stepbrother Clark's creepy trip to their grandparents' place--which lies in the middle of a swamp--gets even scarier when growling noises start coming from the room that is always locked.
Mark is intrigued with the shrunken head his aunt sends him from the jungle island of Baladora, and his fascination only increases when he wakes one night to see the head glowing with a strange power.
Harry and his brother, Alex, go from creeped out to downright frightened when the strange goings-on at Camp Spirit Moon take a supernaturally dangerous turn.
Ricky's plan to get revenge on Tasha for kicking him off the school paper backfires when the message he sneaks into the paper inviting creeps to call Tasha gets printed with his number instead and the calls he gets are from real Creeps--complete with scaly purple skin and long sharp fangs.