Great trials of the twentieth century

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The trial of John T. Scopes

a primary source account
Tells the story of the 1925 trial that tested the constitutionality of the law that forbid the teaching of evolution in Tennessee schools, and presents numerous primary source excerpts and photos.

The trial of Leopold and Loeb

a primary source account
Chronicles the trial of Chicago youths Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb for the 1924 murder of fourteen-year-old Bobby Franks, and presents numerous primary source excerpts and photos.

The trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

a primary source account
Chronicles the controversial trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, the New York couple accused of conspiring to give military secrets to the Soviets at the end of World War II, and presents numerous primary source excerpts and photos.

The Mississippi burning trial

a primary source account
Chronicles the 1964 trial of a group of Mississippi Ku Klux Klan members for killing James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner, civil rights activists who had come to the state to investigate the burning of a church, and presents numerous primary source excerpts and photos.

The Chicago Black Sox trial

a primary source account
Chronicles the trial in which eight White Sox players and several gamblers were charged with "fixing" the 1919 World Series, and presents numerous primary source excerpts and photos.

The Scottsboro Boys Trial

a primary source account
Tells the story of the Scottsboro Boys trial, in which two white women accused nine young African-American men and boys of raping them in 1931, and presents numerous primary source excerpts and photos.

The trial of Sacco and Vanzetti

a primary source account
Chronicles the controversial trial of Italian-American anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti for robbery and murder, and presents numerous primary source excerpts and photos.

The Lindbergh baby kidnapping trial

a primary source account
Chronicles the trial of Bruno Richard Hauptmann for the kidnapping of pilot Charles Lindbergh's infant son, and presents numerous primary source excerpts and photos.
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