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The Witch King

Wyatt, a transgender witch, hides in the human world after he loses control of his magic, but his fianc?, Emyr, a fae prince, is at risk of losing his throne if he does not find and marry Wyatt.

The iron raven

"Robin Goodfellow. Puck. Prankster, joker, raven, fool--King Oberon's right-hand jester from A Midsummer Night's Dream. The legends are many, but the truth will now be known, as Puck finally tells his own story and faces a threat from a time before Faery began. A threat that brings him face-to-face with a new enemy--himself. With the Iron Queen Meghan Chase and her prince consort, Puck's longtime rival Ash, and allies old and new by his side, Puck begins a fantastical and dangerous adventure not to be missed or forgotten. Evenfall is coming, and with it a reckoning that even their combined powers and wits may not vanquish, as a shadow falls over the lands of Faery and the world slips into chaos"--Provided by publisher.

The fae keeper

"Two weeks after the door to Faery closed once more, Asalin is still in turmoil. Emyr and Wyatt are hunting Derek and Clarke themselves after having abolished the corrupt Guard, and are trying to convince the other kingdoms to follow their lead. But when they uncover the hidden truth about the witches' real place in fae society, it becomes clear the problems run much deeper than anyone knew. And this may be more than the two of them can fix"--Provided by publisher.

Yet another dreadful fairy book

narrated by Quentin Q. Quacksworth, Esq.
"The uneasy truce between the Seelie Court and the Sluagh Horde is in trouble as nobles on both sides push King Julius and Queen Modthryth to attack while amongst the common fairy folk the Brother/Sisterhood of Afflicted and Repressed Fairies (B.A.R.F.) plans a revolution.The one chance Elfame may have to maintain the peace is a fairy raid organized by Prince Beow of the Sluagh and Princess Viola of the Seelie. But when the two are kidnapped, it's up to Shade, Ginch, and the Professor to save them and prevent the fairy lands from descending into chaos"--Provided by publisher.

Full moon party

Best friends Ruby, Iris, and Pip, together with their teacher, Miss Goldwing, set out on a field trip to the Full Moon Fest, following the magic path that appears when the full moon shines on Moon Lake--and once there they find plenty of games, snacks, and dancing.

The greedy gremlin

"Sprite and Violet are planning to tackle a particularly large pixie when their attention is diverted to the gremlin Jolt who likes to mess with electrical things, and who has trapped Violet's cousin, Leon, inside a video game; and it is up to the two of them to get Leon, and themselves, out of the game, and Jolt back where he belongs--if they can survive the infamous level eleven"--OCLC.

The Halloween goblin

Two pixies are double trouble for Violet, Leon, and their fairy friend Sprite; they have to find a way to trick Bogey Bill, a goblin who loves Halloween and scaring people, and Buttercup who has cast a spell on the whole school that has all the children hiccuping uncontrollably--and with the help of a good fairy named Robert B. Gnome they come up with a way to deal with both at once.

The angry elf

Violet and her fairy friend Sprite hatch a plan to catch Fixit, a toy-making elf whose lack of appreciation drives him to mess with all the toys in town, but pixies Rusella and Spoiler are determined to thwart Violet and Sprite's plans.

The Overwood

"In this high-interest accessible novel for middle-grade readers, 14-year-old Blue Jasper has to face an old foe from Faerieland who has made her way into his world"--Provided by the publisher.

House of sky and breath

"Bryce Quinlan and Hunt Athalar are trying to get back to normal they may have saved Crescent City, but with so much upheaval in their lives lately, they mostly want a chance to relax. Slow down. Figure out what the future holds. The Asteri have kept their word so far, leaving Bryce and Hunt alone. But with the rebels chipping away at the Asteri's power, the threat the rulers pose is growing. As Bryce, Hunt, and their friends get pulled into the rebels' plans, the choice becomes clear: stay silent while others are oppressed, or fight for what's right. And they've never been very good at staying silent"--Back cover.


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