Sorensen, Lita

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Mob rule or the wisdom of the crowd?

"One of the tenets of democracy is that everyone has a voice in decision making and that the decisions made are what the majority wants. Many argue that wisdom of the crowd prevails in democracies, but are political decisions actually reached by a clear consensus, or does angry factionalism prevent this? Does irrational mob rule cause people to gang together and lash out against the opposition? Are the majority of citizens satisfied with the political situation? This volume explores whether political organization is possible without the violence of mob rule, as well as how contemporary political events fit into this debate"--Provided by publisher.

Peoples on the move

the immigration crisis
"Anthology of essays written from diverse perspectives that examine the . . . immigration crisis"--Provided by publisher.

The prison industrial complex

"The United States boasts the highest incarceration rate in the entire world. Perhaps not coincidentally, mass incarceration has been a financial boon to the private prison industry. Privatization of prisons is seen by some as a solution to state governments' budget problems, but the mission of these for-profit companies is not necessarily aligned with the reform system. The diverse perspectives in this volume examine the history of private prisons in the United States, whether they are more concerned with rehabilitation or financial profit, and what impact they have on criminal justice laws and society at large"--Provided by publisher.

Cancel culture

"Anthology of diverse perspectives regarding the social phenomenon of cancel culture, public shaming, and mob mentality. Volume introduction, guided reading questions, introductory material, critical thinking questions, resource material and index"--Provided by publisher.


"Anthology of diverse viewpoints exploring how marriage fits into our changing society, including issues of same-sex marriage, domestic violence, women's equality, children and divorce, the wedding industry, and the Unmarried Equality Movement--the movement for single people to attain equal rights to married people"--.

Human trafficking

"According to UNICEF, human trafficking generates a staggering $32 billion in profits each year. Human trafficking takes place all around the world, affecting nearly every country, rich and poor. Women, girls, and migrants are extremely vulnerable to traffickers, who coerce them into sexual exploitation and forced labor. How can the international community allow such terrible criminal networks to flourish? This . . . volume offers a diverse array of case studies, first-person accounts, and analyses from experts in the field to provide a full picture of what has been called a pandemic of the twenty-first century"--Provided by publisher.

Mob rule or the wisdom of the crowd?

"One of the tenets of democracy is that everyone has a voice in decision making and that the decisions made are what the majority wants. Many argue that wisdom of the crowd prevails in democracies, but are political decisions actually reached by a clear consensus, or does angry factionalism prevent this? Does irrational mob rule cause people to gang together and lash out against the opposition? Are the majority of citizens satisfied with the political situation? This volume explores whether political organization is possible without the violence of mob rule, as well as how contemporary political events fit into this debate"--Provided by publisher.

The prison industrial complex

"The United States boasts the highest incarceration rate in the entire world. Perhaps not coincidentally, mass incarceration has been a financial boon to the private prison industry. Privatization of prisons is seen by some as a solution to state governments' budget problems, but the mission of these for-profit companies is not necessarily aligned with the reform system. The diverse perspectives in this volume examine the history of private prisons in the United States, whether they are more concerned with rehabilitation or financial profit, and what impact they have on criminal justice laws and society at large"--Provided by publisher.

Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan

top couple in tech and philanthropy
A biography of Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan, a successful tech entrepreneur and conscious philanthropists.

Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan

top couple in tech and philanthropy
"Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, are an . . . example of a young couple who are not only successful in their careers, he as a tech entrepreneur and she as a pediatrician, but who also serve as role models for socially conscious philanthropy. This . . . volume highlights Zuckerberg's accomplishments creating the social network that changed the world, Chan's desire to serve a greater good, and the couple's Giving Pledge, a promise to give away most of their income to charity and research"--Provided by publisher.


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