Drama of American history

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A century of immigration

Discusses the economic, social, and religious reasons why immigrants, predominantly from northern Europe, and then from eastern and southern Europe, came to the United States. Considers incidents of prejudice experienced by these immigrants as well as contributions made by those of immigrant background.

Building a new nation

the Federalist era 1789-1801
Examines the events and personalities involved in the political development of the United States in the period following the creation of the Constitution.

The rise of the cities, 1820-1920

Discusses the urbanization of the U.S., the political corruption and other problems associated with this process, and attempts to institute reforms.

The rise of industry

Describes the period after the Civil War when the United States was becoming increasingly industrialized and technological, including the coming of the railroads, the rise of the large corporations, the development of labor unions, and government regulation.

The Jeffersonian Republicans

the Louisiana Purchase and the War of 1812, 1800-1832
Discusses the people and events that shaped this country, from the controversial election of 1800 through the westward expansion to the War of 1812 and James Madison's presidency.

The French and Indian War, 1660-1763

Examines the period between 1660 and 1763 in the history of America, discussing the maturing of the country from a collection of frontier settlements to well-established, organized communities, and looking at the conflict between various European powers for control of North America and its potential wealth.

Slavery and the coming of the Civil War, 1831-1861

Discusses attitudes and events that led up to the Civil War, particularly the institution of slavery.

Reconstruction and the rise of Jim Crow, 1864-1896

Describes the struggles following the Civil War to decide how to deal with the newly freed slaves, through the years of Reconstruction, Jim Crow, sharecropping, and segregation.

Pilgrims and Puritans, 1620-1676

Recounts the religious, political, and social history of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, and its influence on our lives today.

Indians, cowboys, and farmers and the battle for the Great Plains, 1865-1910

Discusses the settling of the area between the Missouri River and the Rocky Mountains and the conflicting interests of the different groups involved--the Indians, cowboys, farmers, sheepherders, and railroad barons.


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