job descriptions

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job descriptions

Young person's occupational outlook handbook

Looks at job descriptions, working conditions, educational requirements, and earning potential for careers in a broad range of fields including business, education, health care, the arts, and the armed forces.

Enhanced occupational outlook handbook

Contains detailed descriptions of 270 major occupations in the U.S. economy, discussing the nature of the work, working conditions, job requirements, employment outlook, and earnings potential; each followed by brief information about similar occupations for a total of more than six thousand job accounts.

Extraordinary jobs for creative people

Profiles thirty careers including animator, calligrapher, forensic artist, and potter, each featuring a personal interview with a professional in the field along with a career description, salary range, and pros and cons of the job.

Extraordinary jobs for adventurers

Profiles forty-three careers for adventurous souls, with a career description, education and training requirements, salary range, and employment outlook for each position.

Young person's occupational outlook handbook

Profiles over two hundred seventy careers with facts on job duties, education and training requirements, earnings, related jobs, and subjects to study and includes information on choosing the right job or career.

Pharaohs and foot soldiers

one hundred ancient Egyptian jobs you might have desired or dreaded
An illustrated description of 100 jobs in ancient Egypt including reed cutters, sandal makers, embalmers, gardeners, and various other jobs within the government or temple.

Ancient Egyptian jobs

Provides information about ancient Egypt, focusing on the many different jobs people did to help the society and culture thrive.


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