Loehfelm, Bill

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Doing the devil's work

"Maureen Coughlin is a bona fide New Orleans cop now, and, with her training days behind her, she likes to think she's getting the lay of the land. Then a mysterious corpse leads to more questions than answers, and a late-night traffic stop goes very wrong. The fallout leaves Maureen contending with troubled friends, fraying loyalties, cop-hating enemies old and new, and an elusive, spectral, and murderous new nemesis--and all the while navigating the twists and turns of a city and a police department infected with dysfunction and corruption"--Amazon.com.

The devil she knows

Twenty-nine-year-old Maureen Coughlin tries to keep her mother safe while she investigates the murder of her coworker Dennis, who turned up dead the morning after Maureen caught him having a fling with aspiring politician Frank Sebastian.

Fresh kills

John Sanders, Jr. reunites with his sister Julia to plan the funeral of their estranged father, and although Junior believed himself to be unaffected by his father's death, his return to his childhood home sparks a quest for vengeance that soon has him raging out of control against even the people who love him the most.

Osama bin Laden

A biography of Osama bin Laden, radical leader of al-Queda, the international Islamic terrorist organization, including his involvement in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States.

Osama bin Laden

Profiles Osama bin Laden, his family backround and education, his commitment to Islam, his mentors, the beginnings of his interest in violent and radical ideas, and his actions as leader of the al-Qaeda terrorist group. Includes discussions of war and unrest in the Middle East, including the region's growing resentment toward the United States.
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