Van Leeuwen, Jean

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Seems like this road goes on forever

A 17-year-old minister's daughter who feels her world is crashing down suffers an emotional breakdown which eventually forces her to make some difficult decisions.

Bound for Oregon

A fictionalized account of the true life journey made by nine-year-old Mary Ellen Todd and her family from their home in Arkansas westward over the Oregon Trail in 1852.

The great Christmas kidnaping caper

In comfortable residence at Macy's during the Christmas season, Merciless Marvin the Magnificent and his gang are convinced that the store's Santa Claus has been kidnapped and determine to save him.

Going West

Follows a family's emigration by prairie schooner from the East, across the plains to Kansas.

More tales of Amanda Pig

Five more adventures of Amanda Pig and her family, in which noisy cousins come to visit and Father gets a stuffed toy for his birthday.

Oliver and Amanda's Halloween

Oliver and Amanda Pig's Halloween activities include making their costumes, getting a pumpkin for a jack-o'-lantern, and going trick-or-treating.

Dear Mom, you're ruining my life

Samantha Slayton's eleventh year includes losing her last baby teeth, towering over every boy in dance school, and being mortified by everything her mother does.

Touch the sky summer

Luke and his family take their annual trip to their grandparents' lakeside cabin where they spend time fishing, camping, and hiking.

Dear Mom, you're ruining my life

Samantha Slayton's eleventh year includes losing her last baby teeth, towering over every boy in dance school, and being mortified by everything her mother does.

Blue sky, butterfly

When her father leaves, Twig feels isolated from her older brother and her mother as they all try to cope with the change in their lives.


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