Alc?ntara, Ricardo

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El muro de piedra

Ana, a princess, is born, raised and married in a castle and wonders what is outside the castle's walls.

El hijo del viento

Martin dreams he has landed on a mysterious island and decides to search for treasure.

El viaje de los pajaros

A family of birds gets caught in a storm on its way south and finds refuge in a dollhouse, until a cat forces the birds on their way again.

Tom?s y el l?piz m?gico

Tomas is a little boy who lives in a shoebox and is very bored until he finds a pencil, draws a door, and ventures out into the world.

Los tres deseos

Nicholas wants to be special, maybe a king or a pirate, so when a genie arrives to grant him three wishes, Nicholas wants to find the perfect wish, but soon realizes the one thing that will make him truly happy is already his.

La bruja que quiso matar el sol

When a wicked witch takes the sun and the rain away from the forest, the animals have to restore nature's order.
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